Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr Plain Ice Cream
Contents: The product is produced by using fresh cow milk and natural sugar. Does not include additives.
Weight: 500 grams
Taste: Distinguished by its plain milk aroma. Has an intense and creamy texture. Presents a simple and natural taste.
Usage Tips: Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr plain Ice Cream can be served alongside various desserts and fruits. It can also be enjoyed by itself. Depending on preference, its taste can be enriched. Optionally, its flavor can be enriched by adding sauce or various garnishes.
Storing Tips: The product should be kept in or under -18°C degrees in deep freeze. It is recommended to be consumed in short time after packaging is removed.
Packaging: The product is presented in a hygienic and durable plastic packaging. Necessary information such as storing tips, product information, weight and product name are present on the packaging.
Production Process:
Kümmel ist ein Klassiker in der mitteleuropäischen Küche. Hierzulande sowie in der österreichischen, osteuropäischen und skandinavischen Küche wird er gern als ganze Samen verwendet.
Du kannst ihn hervorragend verwenden in Kohl- und Kartoffelgerichten, Gulasch oder in Suppen und Eintöpfen.
Und natürlich nicht zu vergessen - Kümmel ist DAS Gewürz für Sauerkraut. Aber auch in Brot und natürlich in Spirituosen findest du oft das kräftig, bitter-süße Aroma von Kümmel wieder. Mit unserer praktischen Vorratsdose kommst lange aus und kannst einfach dosieren.
Inhalt:250,00 g
Avantages de l'extrait supercritique de graines de fenouil
-Santé digestive : L'extrait de fenouil est couramment utilisé pour soutenir la santé digestive. Il peut aider à soulager des symptômes tels que l'indigestion, les ballonnements et les gaz en favorisant la détente du tractus gastro-intestinal.
-Propriétés antioxydantes : Le fenouil contient des composés ayant des propriétés antioxydantes, qui peuvent aider à neutraliser les radicaux libres dans le corps. Cette activité antioxydante contribue à la santé globale et peut avoir des effets anti-âge.
-Effets anti-inflammatoires : Certaines études suggèrent que l'extrait de fenouil peut avoir des effets anti-inflammatoires, potentiellement bénéfiques pour des conditions associées à l'inflammation.
KaliSel ist eine Alternative für Salz in Lebensmitteln und für eine ausgewogenere Ernährung. Das Kaliumchlorid für die Lebensmittelindustrie ist dem internationalen Lebensmittelrecht konform.
KaliSel – Eine Alternative für Salz in Lebensmitteln und für eine ausgewogenere Ernährung
- Kaliumchlorid für die Lebensmittelindustrie
- Natürliche Herkunft
- Besonders niedrige Gehalte an Nebensalzen
- Konform dem internationalen Lebensmittelrecht
- Übernimmt in der Lebensmittelindustrie multiple und komplexe Funktionen analog zu Natriumchlorid
- Durch die Ähnlichkeit zu Natriumchlorid, perfekt zur teilweisen Substitution
- Hilft dem menschlichen Körper seinen Kaliumbedarf zu decken
KaliSel enthält hochwertiges Kaliumchlorid und wird bereits weitgehend von der Lebensmittelindustrie in der Produktion einer Vielzahl von Lebensmitteln eingesetzt. Es wird unter anderem als Zusatzstoff und Prozesshilfsstoff sowie zur Anreicherung von Lebensmitteln eingesetzt.
KaliSel ist...
Garanti Edilen İçerik (%W/W)
Organik Madde 15
Alginik Asit 0,5
Suda Çözünür Potasyum Oksit (K2O)3
pH 8-10
Ürün Özellikleri
Karaca, toz formunda elden edilen deniz yosunu kaynaklı özel enzim, organik ve doğal içerikli mükemmel bir üründür. Giberellik, alginik asit ve sitokiler gibi doğal bitki enzimleri içerir. Toprağa verilen alginik asitler, besin elementlerinin alım etkinliğinin artırılması yanında, bitki bünyesine alınan besin elementlerinin meyve ve tane oluşumuna-dönüşümüne hizmet eder.
Dill seeds have long been added to almost all brines and pickles, in umbrellas with pickled and pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and pepper whole umbrellas with seeds are placed, only seeds are used in sauerkraut. Dill seeds go well with meat and fish dishes, any vegetable stew, and especially with dishes of peas, beans and lentils.
Use for
Sauces, soups, preservation, meat dishes, poultry dishes, side dishes.
Nutrition value on 100 gr.
Proteins (g / 100g)… 16
Fats (g / 100g)… 15
Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 12
Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 250
ERGYTONYL contains a trio of invigorating plants. Eleutherococcus aids adaptogenic activity and optimises mental and physical abilities in the event of a passing fatigue. ginseng promotes vigilance and memory, helping maintain good cognitive performance and supports vitality. Yerba mate has stimulant properties which support the body's resistance to physical and mental fatigue.
Trace elements, including zinc which supports cognitive function, and magnesium which contributes to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue, complete the formulation.
ERGYTONYL can be recommended to combat physical and/or mental fatigue, stress, overwork and during periods of intense work or during examinations.
Ginseng:1430 mg*
Eleutherococcus:1104 mg*
Yerba Mate:552 mg*
Magnesium:56 mg (15 % NRV**)
Zinc:3 mg (30 % NRV**)
Benefici: Honeybush è una pianta appartenente alla
famiglia delle Fabaceae e proviene dagli arbusti
sudafricani. Ha un sapore dolce molto delicato e
delizioso. Il tè è stato usato per curare molteplici
disturbi dall'inizio del XIX secolo. La maggior parte dei
suoi potenziali benefici per la salute sono legati al suo
effetto antiossidante.Usi: la pianta essiccata Honeybush è più popolare per
la macerazione del tè. Versare 2 cucchiaini per tazza
(250 ml) in acqua bollente e cuocere a vapore per 3-5
minuti a seconda delle preferenze di gusto. Una tazza
calda di questo tè può diventare parte della tua routine
notturna oppure puoi versarla in un bicchiere pieno di
ghiaccio per preparare un tè freddo.
Confezione:125g, 250g e sfuso
There are countless benefits of tarhana. Tarhana which we have
to bring our tables especially in winter protects us from diseases,
relaxes digestion, and lowers blood pressure. It also strengthens
the bones and takes the tiredness of the body. Besides it heals
hair and skin and adds beauty to us. It strengthens the immune
system as it is very rich in organic acids and free amino acids. It
helps to remove toxins that are harmful to the body through the
urinary tract.
Axeb liquid chelates are complex micronutrient formulations containing organic agents to guarantee a high level of metal stability (Zn, Fe and Mn, among others).
Axeb solid chelates are a family of products suitable for preventing and correcting iron chlorosis in crops, in the form of granules or pellets.
Peking cabbage was popular in Europe only in the Asian quarters until the middle of the 20th century. But in the past few decades, she has been at the peak of culinary popularity, including in Russia. Its nutritional value and excellent taste are preserved in the dried product. It is from dried Beijing cabbage that a delicious Korean soup of siriag-cook is prepared, as well as national dishes Namul, Ttige, and Bale. Companions of dried Chinese cabbage, helping her to reach her full taste potential, are garlic and onions.
Use for
Soups, sauces, marinades, dishes meat, poultry and game dishes.
Piquant, sweetish
Nutrition value on 100 gr.
Proteins (g / 100g)… 26
Fats (g / 100g)… 3,5
Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 34
Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 270